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foothills farm
Let's build a little village
...find your place here!
FOOTHILLS FARM is set in motion to build a farm village! Nature, regenerative gardening, & art will be our template for inspiration and guidance!
Transitions are always good, they mean change! Change means new, fresh and forward! Foothills Farm is now under a restoration process and new direction.
After a long time reaching out to the local community and the public looking for partners and financial interest in this property, the doors have now closed to that. Embarking in a new but familiar direction, we are back to being a private farm with many plans on the horizon to play out over the course of a three year plan.
Indeed there are immediate plans to subdivide and offer tracts of land in five acre plats for individual purchase. The five acre lots will be offered for home building, farming, or both. This will be by invitation only.
The following two things remain absolute in the plan.
First, and highest priority, we have a design in the works for our community permaculture garden. We are tending it currently getting the soil ready in anticipation of having her fully underway spring 2022. The soil is ready and being prepped for future food production at our garden which will be called "Full Circle Garden!"
The second absolute within the three year plan is the on-going transformation and evolution of the former horse barn. Formerly housing horses, now "The Barn of ART" and will house farmstays, artist work stalls, and art and garden events. This is the hub and center gathering space for activities at the little farm village and what a sweet transformation is taking place.
We have so many plans in store for art, art related activities. As well plans for health and healing opportunities! Factor in that we can use this space for teaching and the passing on of farming knowledge to our next generations!
Oh so much forthcoming. Call, make an appointment to come out for a visit soon!
The gallery below holds historical photos and memories.
We are a regenerative farm, connecting the greater community with nature’s wisdom & bounty.
Pioneering the future as we balance together in harmony, synchronicity, and purposefulness through our hospitality in lodging, the growing & sharing of wholesome, organic food, and other natural products, and ART all made with local hands. It is TEAM FOOTHILL'S desire to exhibit such in our daily lives, and as we do, give back to EARTH, and one other. Let's regenerate the land known today as Foothills Farm! Come join up with us! Tread lightly. Do no harm.
LOCATED IN THE FOOTHILLS of the Appalachian Mountains
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